Jeong Tai Kim, Professor, Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea
Dorin Beu, Professor, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Founding and Honorary Editor-in-Chief
Florin Pop, Professor, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Executive Editor
Geun Young Yun, Professor, Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea
Associate editor
Catalin Daniel GALATANU, Professor, Technical University "Gh.Asachi" IASI, Romania
Jack Ngrambe, Research Professor, Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea
Horatiu - Calin Albu, Assistant Lecturer, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Editorial board members
Grega BIZJAK, Professor, University of Ljubliana, Slovenia
Wout van BOMMEL, Consultant Professor, Fudan University, Shanghai, The Netherlands
Jean Luc CAPRON, Ass. Professor, Institut Supérieur d'Architecture Saint-Luc, Bruxelles, Belgium
Joon-Ho CHOI, Assistant Professor, University of Southern California, US
Steve FOTIOS, Professor, University of Sheffield, UK
Abraham HAIM, Professor, University of Haifa, Israel
Liisa HALONEN, Professor, Aalto University, Finland
Franz HÖLKER, Professor, IGB Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Germany
Eduardo MANZANO, Professor, Universitad Nacional de Tucuman, Argentina
Sermin ONAYGIL, Professor, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Thomas ROMHILD, Professor, Hochschule Wismar, Germany
Alexander ROSEMANN, Professor, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven,The Netherlands
Axel STOCKMAR, Professor, Technische Fachhochschule Hanover, Germany
Cristian SUVAGAU, BC Hydro, Canada
Frangiskos V. TOPALIS, Professor, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Georges ZISSIS, Professor, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
Advisory board
C?lin CIUGUDEANU, Laboratory of Lighting Engineering, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Arturo COVITTI, Professor, Polytechnic of Bari, Italy
Jan EJHED, Professor, Lighting Laboratory, KTH Technology and Health, Sweden
Mihai HUSCH, Dr., CNRI – Romanian National Committee on Illumination
Miomir KOSTIC, Professor, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Marilena M?IEREAN, Manager, CNRI – Romanian National Committee on Illumination, Romania
Con OP DEN KAMP, Dr., Nederlandse Stichting voor Verlichtingskunde, The Netherlands
Horia F. POP, Professor, Babe?-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania