
Talyor Stone Iris Dijkstra Tomas Danielse


This paper outlines a research methodology and design strategy aimed at realizing sustainable lighting within (sub)urban multi-functional parks. It does so by detailing the research process, as well as resultant vision and design concepts, for the Delftse Hout (a park in Delft, The Netherlands). This process included formulating value-level design requirements, undertaking a detailed site-study to understand stakeholder needs, and combining these to provide conceptual and practical grounding for the future development of a lighting masterplan. A key – and we argue generalizable – outcome of the process is the development and application of dark acupuncture, a scalable design strategy aimed at strategically-placed interventions of darkness and illumination. The paper thus provides three contributions to sustainable lighting theory and practice: a detailed case study of innovative lighting design research; the refinement of dark acupuncture as a design strategy for nature-inclusive park lighting (which itself can be more broadly applicable to urban lighting policy and design); and, as a practical example of transdisciplinary research into artificial light at night.




urban park lighting, dark acupuncture, nature-inclusive lighting, light pollution, design for values

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