
Andrea Gokus Andreas Hänel Andreas Ruby Arne Dröge-Rothaar Brita Küchly Christopher C. M. Kyba Daniel Fischer David Gruber Eva C. Weiß Friederike Klan Georg Sulzer Georgia T. MacMillan Helga Küchly Henning von Brandis Isabell C. Wuthenow Jacob Koglin Janina Mattern Johannes A. Schultz Johannes Veh Katharina Leiter Marcus Langejahn Maria Zschorn Marijana Pavi´c Maximilian Blaschke Melanie Brauchler Michaela Leipold Nathalie Küppers Nona Schulte-Römer Normän Naboulsi Petra Bilela Reinhart Binder René Curwy Sabine Frank Sebastian Falkner Sicco Bauer Steffen Liese Swantje Maurer Tamara Rom Thomas Kunzemann Vita Tičinović Yiğit Öner Altıntaş Loeka L. Jongejans


The relationship between satellite based measurements of city radiance at night and the numbers and types of physical lights installed on the ground is not well understood. Here we present the “Nachtlichter app”, which was developed to enable citizen scientists to classify and count light sources along street segments over large spatial scales. The project and app were co-designed: citizen scientists played key roles in the app development, testing, and recruitment, as well as in analysis of the data. In addition to describing the app itself and the data format, we provide a general overview of the project, including training materials, data cleaning, and the result of some basic data consistency checks.




citizen-science, lighting inventory, light pollution, Nachtlicht-BüHNE, outdoor lighting

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